Membuka Rahasia Alam Semesta
Belajar Metafisika China bisa dibilang 'meretas' alam semesta. Walau kata meretas komputer terdengar negatif, namun ilmunya juga digunakan dalam sistem keamanan dunia maya. Apakah anda siap menolong orang lain? Apakah anda terpanggil ingin membantu orang secara tulus?
Halaman ini didedikasikan untuk membagikan dan menyebarkan ilmu Metafisika China yang saya peroleh, riset, dan praktekkan selama bertahun-tahun.
Detil Proses Belajar
Tatap muka melalui pertemuan online
PDFs (jika tersedia) akan dibagikan
Excel files (jika tersedia) akan dibagikan
Satu sampai tiga orang (maks) dalam satu pertemuan
Nota: semua PDF berbahasa Inggris, namun proses pengajaran menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.
Informasi Lebih Lanjut
Harga ditentukan oleh jumlah murid dan durasi tiap pertemuan (60-, 90-, atau 120- menit per pertemuan).
Tidak ada kontrak. Murid dapat berhenti belajar kapan saja tanpa pemberitahuan.
Pembayaran harus diterima sebelum pertemuan online. Semua pembayaran bersifat final dan tidak dapat dikembalikan.
The "Not-So-Easy" Introduction to Feng Shui, Chinese
Calendar, and Chinese Metaphysics
Length: 3-4 hours
Note: The total meeting duration depends on the number of questions and discussions.
Trinity of Luck
The Basics of 易 Yì
Tài-Jí Yīn-Yáng Diagram
Early and Later Heaven Ba Gua
He Tu and Luo Shu
Wǔ-Xíng (Five Elements) – Interactions, Strengths, Cyclic Life Stages
Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches, Hidden Stems
Interactions of Branches and Stems
Time Recording and Chinese Calendar
Big Dipper, Solar Terms
The ‘Mathematical Operations’
What’s the Next Step of Learning?
Landform Feng Shui
Length: 6-8 hours
Note: the total meeting duration depends on the number of questions and discussions.
Part 1: External Landforms
Fēng Shuǐ Basics
Mountain, Water, and Wind
龍穴 Lóng Xué
Energy Pathways
Four Celestial Gods
Various Problems and Solutions
‘Visualizing’ Qi in the Mind
Bright Hall Assessments
The Shape of the Land & Building
Roads, Road Elevation, and Qi Movement
Locations vs. Directions
Part 2: Interior Landforms
The Key Concept
Negative Water Placement
Various Interior Features
Missing Sectors
Selecting an Apartment Unit
命卦 Mìng Guà
Taking Measurements for Feng Shui Work
Length: 30-60 minutes
Note: The total meeting duration depends on the number of questions and discussions.
What Kind of Direction?
Geographical or Magnetic North
The ‘What’ and ‘How’ to do
Understanding Directions/Mountains
Death and Emptiness Lines
Earth, Heaven, and Human Plates
Eight Mansions Feng Shui
Length: 2-3 hours
Include CAD Template/Drawing Files in Sketchup or DXF format (will be awarded upon completion of the course)
Note: The total meeting duration depends on the number of questions and discussions.
The Two Sects of Eight Mansions Feng Shui
Favorable vs. Unfavorable & Deriving the Stars
The Three Essentials
命卦 Mìng Guà (Personal Gua)
宅卦 Zhái Guà (House Gua)
Zhái Guà vs. Mìng Guà
The ‘Equation’ and Key Points
Applications and Examples
Eight Palaces vs. Eight Mansion Stars
Eight Mansion Stars Timing
纳甲 Nà Jiǎ and Eight Mansions Feng Shui